Diary Study
In a Diary Study, users are asked to keep a diary about their use of a product. This enables us to uncover the users’ behavior and usage habits over a longer period of time.

Our approach to Diary Studies?
In Diary Studies, the usage habits of your users are captured very realistically. Over a pre-defined period of time, the users are asked to report when and how they use a product. Typically, the documentation happens immediately after using the product. That way we gather valid and realistic data. The data enable us to analyze how the product usage develops over a longer period, and if problems arise while using your product.
Our experts support you during all stages of the Diary Study. In the beginning, we design the structure of the Diary Study questionnaire and determine what and how often participants should report.
We implement the questionnaire in our diary tool and select suitable study participants from your target group. While the study is running, we monitor if users fill in the questionnaire conscientiously, and remind them to do so if necessary.
Our experts analyze the completed diaries in detail. We do not leave you alone with the raw data, but interpret the data and deliver precise recommendations for the further optimization of your product.
What can we find out with Diary Studies?
- How often and in which situations is the product used?
- Which functions do the users like? Which ones are missing?
- Do any problems or difficulties arise from a longer usage of the product?
- Are there any learning effects? Do initial usability problems disappear when using the product longer?
- Do the users enjoy using the product? Which features trigger positive/negative feelings?
- Does the way the product is used change when it is used over a longer period of time? How?
When do we recommend Diary Studies?
We always recommend conducting a Diary Study when usage habits are to be observed over a longer period of time. This enables us to analyze if the frequency and habits of usage change, or if learning effects set in.
Diary Studies are also well-suited to collect feedback about a product outside of a usability lab. They allow us to capture when and where a product is used, and what exactly the users are trying to do with it in their everyday life. The immediate documentation shortly after using the product leads to realistic data of very high quality.
Diary Studies are also very valuable for the evaluation of applications that work with location-based services (GPS, virtual reality, etc.). Thanks to our mobile diary tool, users can report from everywhere, how they experience the interaction and where they need additional support.
Realistic data
By collecting impressions and reactions directly after the use of the product we gain insights into the actual usage.
Look over your users’ shoulders
Participants use the product in the real context of use. This makes it possible to uncover environmental influences (disruptions, light, mobile internet signal).
Analyze long-term use
Observe a product’s usage over a longer period of time.
What are the results?
As a result, you receive a well-structured report based on the diary entries. The report sorts and aggregates the raw data from the diary entries and puts them into an overall context. Verbatim from the entries and, if necessary, pictures, illustrate the results. The report further gives very specific recommendations to help you to support your users’ needs and expectations even better.
Do you have specific questions about your project? We are happy to advise you. Free of charge and without obligation.