It is the user who decides on the success of your products.

On-site Survey

On-site surveys enable you to receive feedback from a large sample of your users on short notice. The online questionnaire is embedded into the site that you need feedback on. That way you can make sure that all all respondents belong to the actual target group of the website.


Our approach to On-site Surveys

On-site surveys are a great tool, to find out more about the actual users of a website or an online shop. Via a popup or a layer the user is invited to participate. That way you can gather information about the users’ interests, attitudes or demographics. Alternatively, the survey can also be triggered by certain user actions (e.g. opening a product detail page, using the product finder), to collect feedback on specific functions.

Our experts support you during the whole survey process, creating and designing the questionnaire, gathering the data and analyzing the results. We help you figure out the required sample size and provide technical advice when it comes to embedding the online questionnaire into your website. During the analysis phase, we do not leave you alone with charts and numbers. We help you interpret the data and support you with concise recommendations for improvement.

What can we find out with an On-site Survey?

  • Which functions and content elements are actually important to the users?
  • How satisfied are your users with your product? Where do the users see potential for improvement?
  • How did the users become aware of your website?
  • Which functions and content elements are currently missing?
  • Who are the users of my website (demographics, interests and motivations)?
  • How sucessful was the relaunch of our website (by administering suverys pre- and post-launch)?

When do we recommend an On-site Survey?

On-site surveys are especially helpful if you currently have little knowledge about the users of your website. Apart from demographics (e.g. occupation, sex, and place of residence) the survey can also generate insights into the requirements and motivations of different user groups. That way you are able to tailor your content and features to your users’ needs.

By carrying out suverys repeatedly or over longer time periods it is possible to gather continuous user feedback. That way you can check on the quality of your website on a long-term basis and monitor the effect of changes to your site.

  • Real users

    Actual users of your website are addressed.

  • Large samples possible

    You receive feedback on the usability of your website from a large representatitve sample.

  • Flexibly (re-)usable

    This method is suitable for regularly conducted surveys.

  • Flexibly applicable

    On-site surveys can be used to gather user feedback on a continuos basis.

What are the results?

The results include a detailed report that documents all survey results. Apart from charts and raw data it also includes an interpretation of the data. We’ll show where your users’ needs are currently not taken into account sufficiently and provide you with comprehensive recommendations for improvement.

Do you have specific questions concerning the use of on-site surveys in your project? We will be happy to advise you. Free of charge and at no obligation.

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We will be happy to talk to you and prepare a free proposal.

  • +49 511 360 50 70
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