Retrospective Think-Aloud Method
Retrospective think-aloud (RTA) is a research method usuallyapplied in usability tests. Whileparticipantsapplying theconcurrent think-aloudmethod are verbalizing their thoughts as they simultaneouslycomplete test tasks, participants verbalized thoughts, using theretrospective think-aloud method, are only recorded after thecompletion of the test tasks.
To support their memory, the video recordings of the test sessioncan be replayed to the participants. Ifeye trackingwas employed, the gaze point data can be visualized as well. Whilethe video is running, the participants describe and explain theirapproach and thoughts while completing the tasks.
When using retrospective think-aloud, participants are lessdistracted from what they are doing and there are no additionalinfluences on the time they take to complete their tasks. Thisallows time measures. However, because some time passes between themoment a problem was experienced and the moment the thoughtsconcerning this problem are recorded, the quality of user feedbackis reduced. Further, testing time is significantly longer than withthe concurrent think-aloud method.